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All About Transfers

It’s been easy so far. You’re packed every bit of luggage, prepared the tickets, and now all you have to do is get to the port, which should be an absolute breeze – emphasis on the word should. Before you know it, you’re packed like a sardine onto a late bus service, praying you can still make your connection.

No matter how prepared you might be, catching that all-important transfer can be riddled with problems from start to finish. That’s why plenty of cruisers are now making the switch to a private car chauffeur service, rather than relying on other modes of transport.

For one thing, many private transfers have the option of door-to-port journeys. What that means is that you’ll be able to say goodbye to having to drag your luggage out of the door and packing it up diligently, just so you can get to the nearest bus terminal with your swimwear intact. Private chauffeur services mean you can offload your luggage into the boot of a luxury car straight away, right from your front door.

The fact is, plenty of chauffeur transfers are often offered as complimentary additions with luxury cruises, and even if that’s not the case, they are definitely more affordable than you think, especially if you are travelling in a group. Why struggle your way onto a bus or train when there’s a people carrier waiting on your drive?

This brings us to another huge bonus – the range of vehicles to choose from. Although you might struggle with large groups, or even have to travel in two cars to get to your destination point, many private services offer a fantastic range of transport to choose from – be it top of the range people carriers for groups of 8, or a pristine saloon with leatherback seats and tons of leg room for couples who want to travel in style. If you don’t have time to wait, or want to experience a transfer unlike any other, so companies even provide helicopter journeys to and from international ports and airports.

The key thing is the lack of hassle. No one wants to begin the cruise of a lifetime with a stressful journey and one of the surest ways to ensure a blissful transfer is to make sure you organise private transport in advance – that way, your perfect cruise doesn’t begin on the ship, but the moment you leave the house.